After a few years and a lot of hardcore experimentations with OSX, it was inevitable to go back to my roots. So, I finally bought a good mini pc(lenovo thinkcentre M920) and installed ubuntu!

I was expecting a good and easy installing/configuration process, but it was far from great! I feel like installing ubuntu for “normal” machines is easier than install a few tools on OSX.

Anyway, my configuration for ubuntu right now is pretty simple but it’s already making my life so good! First of all I nstalled miniconda

mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm -rf ~/miniconda3/
conda config --set changeps1 false
conda config --set auto_activate_base false

Then, I installed git and my main editor and IDE: neovim

sudo apt install git nvim

And to configure it, I cloned my repo(git clone and I did copy everything from nvim directory to ~/.config/nvim, then I opened nvim and installed the plugins with: :PlugInstall (on the first run, just ignoring the errors as it downloads and configures it async) and that’s it! I have my beautiful IDE ready to code… BUT I was trying the copilot from github and well, it supports neovim, and to install it, I just did:

mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/pack/github/start/
git clone \

Then, I opened nvim and typed :Copilot setup and that’s it!!! too simple!

Well, the experience with ubuntu was already too good but I remember something that I love a lot on OSX: preview everything with space bar. Turns out that ubuntu can have such a feature as well! And for that, I did install gnome-sushi: sudo apt install gnome-sushi

Now my new journey with ubuntu just began!